Binge Watch vs Weekly Wait

It's the age old question......well okay, maybe not that old but it is question that gets asked a lot today, what is better, binge-watching a show or doing it old school, watching an episode per week? If you have come here for the right answer you are going to be sorely disappointed. Instead, all I … Continue reading Binge Watch vs Weekly Wait

Nightwing Movie Approaches!

Hot off the back of the confirmation that Matt Reeves will in fact directing the solo Batman movie, we also got the announcement that Nightwing aka Dick Grayson is finally getting his own flick! It has been a long time coming and seemed like a no-brainer since it was confirmed that a Robin did exist in the … Continue reading Nightwing Movie Approaches!

Exclusive: Aesha Waks Interview!

It's time for an EXCLUSIVE!! We have been lucky enough to have had a few minutes with Award winning and super talented actress, Aesha Waks! She has countless projects under her belt including numerous independent films, such as Arresting Gena where she starred as Gena opposite Sam Rockwell.   A lot of people will have seen … Continue reading Exclusive: Aesha Waks Interview!

Gotham Season 3: What we want

With Season 3 of Gotham imminent, it's about time we talked a bit about what we want from the show. The first two seasons have been quite strong with peaks and troughs like any show, but a much darker interpretation of comic stories that the brightly coloured CW networks shows. The series is full of … Continue reading Gotham Season 3: What we want

SDCC 2016 Trailers!

A single post would be too long for all the exclusives that came out of SDCC 2016. So for starters here's all the SDCC trailers that I've managed to see! I will be doing Trailer Talk videos for the majority of these so stay tuned for these but check out the videos below and drown … Continue reading SDCC 2016 Trailers!