Geekly Round Up

Merry Geekmas! As an early Christmas Present I've got another load of Geeky news for you! I'm starting to think that these aren't going to be every week! Life gets in the way you know? Instead as they are called Geekly Round Ups I'm just going to write them when I can. Some will be … Continue reading Geekly Round Up

Nightwing Movie Approaches!

Hot off the back of the confirmation that Matt Reeves will in fact directing the solo Batman movie, we also got the announcement that Nightwing aka Dick Grayson is finally getting his own flick! It has been a long time coming and seemed like a no-brainer since it was confirmed that a Robin did exist in the … Continue reading Nightwing Movie Approaches!

Scott Eastwood Mystery Man!

We have seen and heard quite a lot about the soon to be release Suicide Squad film. IT is surprising that we still know very little about the story of said film. We know the bare bones of the plot, A secret government agency run by Amanda Waller, named A.R.G.U.S creates a task force comprising super … Continue reading Scott Eastwood Mystery Man!