No matter your opinion of Zack Snyder you do have to admit he makes things look incredible! The theatrical cut of Batman Vs Superman may have been a bit of a mess but everything looked great, even Doomsday, it got a lot of hate but I think it was pretty good.

Snyder himself has released some Aquaman test footage and i for one am very impressed! This isn’t going to be the final product but it looks beautiful! Check it out!


It’s very short but we see Jason Mamoa’s Aquaman underwater swimming to meet the Ocean Master, played by Patrick Wilson. It’s almost certain that this clip is 100% CGI but the effects look really good. Simple things right down to the motion of Mamoa’s hair looks spot on. I was already excited to see Justice League and now I can’t wait for the Aquaman solo film too!

What is Arthur Curry discussing with the Ocean Master? Where is the armour we have seen him wearing in the promotional shots?

What do you think of this clip? Let us know in the comments below!

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